Company news
Xinchuangmei passed ISO9001 quality management certification!

Good news: Xinchuangmei has passed the ISO9001 international quality management system certification!

2023-10-26, Xinchuangmei Obtaining ISO9001 quality management certification is inseparable from the efforts of all our employees and the cooperation of our team. For many years, we have been customer-oriented and continuously improving product quality and service levels. We have always regarded quality as the core competitiveness of enterprise development, established a sound quality management system and quality assurance system, and strengthened quality control in various links such as product development, production manufacturing, and after-sales service.

The acquisition of ISO9001 quality management certification will further enhance Xinchuangmei's competitiveness and reputation in the market.

We will persistently pursue excellent quality, maintain a leading position in product innovation, technological research and development, quality control, etc., continuously summarize experience, make continuous progress, and make greater contributions to promoting the healthy development of the industry.